Riding the lovely city of Melbourne these days – and being a bit at a loss in trying to stay safe. Riding on the left side of the street or – better still – of one of the many, many really good bike paths is one thing. It’s asking for a lot of concentration,...
Quite some time has passed since the last blog entry has been posted here. And the blogger has, meanwhile, taveled back from from the US capital to its German counterpart. Not a particularly bad place for bikers either. Actually pretty popular with bicylce fans of all...
There is an old steel frame which has been sitting in the bike room for a looong time, fixie-fitting drop outs and all. Consequently, there has been the plan for a workover into a fixed-wheel ride for quite some time. Only that another one of those single speeds has...
Inspired by reading the first issue of CYCLE and by the glistening sunshine, the old steel-framed Lemond Tourmalet was taken off the wall, for a short, but stylish last spin of Fall. The classic RSX break shifters had just been cleansed and newly greased again, so...
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia. Despite the rather horribly long trip of a full 24 hours and the fact that duty called at 11am, the true bike aficionado stayed in the hotel only for a shower and a change of clothes prior to setting off again; in order to pick up...