There is an old steel frame which has been sitting in the bike room for a looong time, fixie-fitting drop outs and all. Consequently, there has been the plan for a workover into a fixed-wheel ride for quite some time. Only that another one of those single speeds has been up the wall, mostly unused, ever since the blogger moved to this really hilly area. What good would it be to have another nice looking, but completely useless bike in the shack?
But then came along this year’s RV Opel ride, featuring historic (or historicizing) bicycles, among them some rather nicely retro-fitted steel frames from the 80s and 90s. Read: from that same era in which the blogger’s Lemond frame was welded together.
A few half-hours spent at the computer, in search for sufficiently fashionable (while affordable) bike parts, and a few weeks of delivery time later, this is what the result looks like now:
And, yes, it’s interim: The odometer has to go, of course.
And can these mounts really be used for frame shifters too? A set of historic race brakes (without shifter function) are sitting in the basement, impatiently awaiting their resurrection.
Stay tuned!
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