The bike polo show that was announced to take place during last weekend’s VELOBerlin 2013 apparently had to be cancelled. What a shame – I bet it would have been quite a spectators‘ magnet. Those guys (and gals) doing the bike polo „Ballet of...
Nothing more and nothing less than expected, this hyped interview (also see part two of the transcript) given by a Lance Armstrong, sitting in a very composed manner in Oprah’s comfy confessional box: a lot of crisp and clear confessions – not really to...
When you listen to The Great Confessor tonight, keep in mind that LA most likely had prepared it down to the very last textbook details: We know by experience that especially the Absolution-by-Oprah and subsequent LA-salvation parts will involve a lot of emotional...
Although I usually stand – almost – clear of the infamous professional cyclists‘ scene, I will make an exception here by alerting you to the Unexpected, starring one of the most Exceptionals: Lance Armstrong, the man who has fueled so many athletic...