Nothing more and nothing less than expected, this hyped interview (also see part two of the transcript) given by a Lance Armstrong, sitting in a very composed manner in Oprah’s comfy confessional box: a lot of crisp and clear confessions – not really to the surprise of anyone out there.
But: There is a difference between confession and remorse.
Did anyone hear anything pointing to the latter?
I must have missed it.
Or was it in fact LA himself who missed „it“, namely: to fully grasp the fact of this Oprah interview potentially being the last chance to come clean with a lot of things (and people) and to really seek forgiveness from those he has lied to (and – even physically – threatened!) throughout all those year?
An interesting experience, by the way, to turn down the volume on the interview and to fully concentrate on LA’s body language. Since the suit jacket was tailored just fine, something else must have given him the itches here and there: That said more than a thousand words… and way more than the teary talk about his son standing up for him bla bla bla …
Too bad some 30min of what LA was saying were cut from the material and not aired. Maybe that would have been the part for which it would have been rewarding to fully crank up the volume.
Oh, just to be clear:
I used to be a huge admirer of the outstanding athlete LA (which he might actually have been as the best of all those substance abusers) and the impressive founder of the Livestrong foundation …
Hi bxa!
There’s a lot of people who can phrase their thoughts in this matter based on relevant knowledge and experience in professional cycling. One of them is Paul Kimmage – a man I adore for his fight against doping and the mafia-like structures in pro-cycling.
This is a quote from a Saturday 19 January 2013 article in „The Guardian“ written by Paul Kimmage:
„In the autumn of 1993, Greg LeMond and his wife, Kathy, were sitting at home in the suburbs of Minneapolis, when they received a visit from Linda Mooneyham, the three-times Tour de France winner has recalled. Her 21-year-old son, Lance Armstrong, had just become the world champion and she had travelled from her home in Texas for advice.
„What does he do now?“ she asked. „What does he do with his money?“
„Well, let him find an agent – a good one with an attorney,“ LeMond replied. „And one word of advice – just be his mom.“
They sat on the porch for a while and then moved inside to the kitchen. Linda had something else on her mind: „How do I make him less of an asshole. He doesn’t care about anyone.“
„Well,“ LeMond replied. „I can’t help you there.“
Love, Oe.
And the beat goes on:–26224927
Thanks for pointing us to this site, Oe – btw: the most interesting part of the site you pointed to is this to me: (albeit only in German, sorry …) – an athelete dying of enteric fever in the late 19th century …but actually he can rightfully be counted as „patient zero“ who fell deathly victim to the doping plague