Fast ein ganzes Jahr ist seit dem letzten Post ins Land gegangen. Viel ist passiert und hat dafür gesorgt, daß kaum Radkilometer eingesammelt wurden. Aber jetzt soll es wieder los gehen. Und da zu einem Wiederanfang auch oft ganz gut paßt, daß man einiges anders...
Found the Dutch counterpart of this highly pleasant bikers‘ oasis in the Taunus woods of Germany: So-called BosHalte in Amsterdam. „Bos“ means „woods“, and „halte“ is the „rest stop“ or the „station“...
Riding through the hills and looking at the woods beyond underscores it yet one more time: Indian Summer has nothing to do with India (duh), nor with the US or Canadian Indians; or thereabouts. Indian Summer should actually be named German Fall, as over here are all...
In the hilly area this blog’s author lives, it is quite easy to work up a thirst (and a sweat) when biking: There are either winds to work against; or long and steep ascends to climb up. Or both, hills and winds, to cope with: But help is on the way (at least...
These days, starting your Taunus ride earlier than mid-morning may call for wearing night-vision goggles, as Fall is definitely here: This brings along the same question as last year; and the year before; and the year before that one: What to wear, how many layers to...