Riding through the hills and looking at the woods beyond underscores it yet one more time: Indian Summer has nothing to do with India (duh), nor with the US or Canadian Indians; or thereabouts. Indian Summer should actually be named German Fall, as over here are all...
Inspired by reading the first issue of CYCLE and by the glistening sunshine, the old steel-framed Lemond Tourmalet was taken off the wall, for a short, but stylish last spin of Fall. The classic RSX break shifters had just been cleansed and newly greased again, so...
These days, starting your Taunus ride earlier than mid-morning may call for wearing night-vision goggles, as Fall is definitely here: This brings along the same question as last year; and the year before; and the year before that one: What to wear, how many layers to...
„Time flies when you are having fun“? – Well, then Ithere must have been tons of fun lately; because it feels like I have missed all of Summer: I am finding myself in the middle (or even: end) of Autumn already. And the really strong winds are...
Do you know the word for „season’s end“ in Czech? It’s „Prague Mile“. And has been „Prague Mile“ for 20 years now – although it looks like this celebration of the last (official) ride of the season should have a...