Trade history turning hip retro chic

Trade history turning hip retro chic

Here is a brand new, very old idea about what to do with your bike in off-biking season: use it for something useful. Like sharpening scissors and knives. Many of what have been out-dated or even dying trades and professions are slowly but surely coming back, this...
Not so alien resurrection

Not so alien resurrection

Although the current exhibition on historic bikes and bicycle history in Hamburg has found its home at the „Labour Museum“ (Museum der Arbeit), strolling through it is a real pleasure – no work at all, all play. And a lot of eye-openers with respect...

Back to the future

From the German perspective, yesterday’s Olympic velodrome was a place of joy and happiness. But have you heard of the Klappodrome before, the place of the annual World-Klapp? It’s the place and time for the original folding bikes (or...