African heat is suffocating Germany these days. Not (quite) too hot to ride – as long as it is a route with as few traffic lights as possible. The bear the intrinsic risk of switching to red when the rider is approaching, forcing a stop that let’s you feel...
The mission of trying to get a handful of used bikes together to be transported to Burkina Fasohas been accomplished. And apparently the pre-Christmas season was a good time for such an initiative: Within 48 hours there were almost 30 bikes that people wanted to give...
It’s Advent time and my US ex-house mate just told me that whenever she thinks of me, she also has to think of those Advent calendars that came into the pure-bred US household at the beginning of December. My Mom used to take care of that tradition not having to...
Only one more month until VELO Berlin will open their gates again. And actually, the gates have been opened just enough to sneak a preview of the 20 runners up for the VELOBerlin Film Award 2013. It’s a rather … well … ecclectic selection, mixing...