Eliot Wilson is a very fortunate guy – Spring time in Alaska’s White Mountains National Recreation Area with temps that went up to comfortable around-freezing numbers and respectively perfect trail conditions; for the century challenge „White Mountains 100“.

He is also a lucky guy, because the race marshals decided that Eliot could take part, despite his chosen means of transportation not being a bike or skies (some people allegedly even run the course). No, Eliot mastered the beast on a fat-tired, single-speed fixie. To be more precise: on a unicycle:

Okay, it took him more than twice as long as the winner to cross the finish line. But then again: About a third of the contestants came in even later. And: Eliot had started to learn unicycling only last Summer. To make things worse (or rather: to impress as even more daring … or should we say, even more naive?), when Eliot signed up for the race last September, he was still struggling to stay on the unicycle for just 1% of what was his racing goal: A single mile without falling off his vehicle was not within reach way back then.

Well, I guess this is just one more example of how addictive biking can become. And of how well suited it is to help just anyone live their dreams, even the somewhat more … exotic ones.

While Alaskan Spring Fever starts above 0°C, the apple trees in Germany are already in full blossom

The author, however, sticks with enjoying the sun and warmth of Spring time in Germany. Hopefully without falling off any member of The Fleet for a long time to come.

Spring time in Germany: Allowing for less layers

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