Happy Easter, Everyone.

Easter Flower Beds

Easter Flower Beds

The author has returned from a biking vacation in Sicily (putting in about 875km as a late, but intense start to the season). And upon her return to Germany, narcissus and tulipa were greeting their „Happy Easter“ as the former should today, according to its German nickname „Easter Bell“.

After settling in again, you will find some notes on the bike rides and random thoughts and sights encountered. You’ll be invited to join the recollection of Southern art of living, cooking, riding, eating, and – all in all – enjoying what nature has generously produced for us to take delight in.

Gates welcomingly wide open to greet visitors of a Sicilian lemon farm - one of the many examples of Southern hospitality married to the art of living with and from Nature.

Gates welcomingly wide open to greet visitors of a Sicilian lemon farm – one of the many examples of Southern hospitality married to the art of living with and from Nature.

© Copyright 2016 bxa, All rights Reserved. Written For: bxa's Greetings from Germany