Was in Utrecht, Holland, today – and have to say: I was flabbergasted. Speechless. Couldn’t believe my eyes.
Yes, sure, we all know about the stereotypic Dutch person of just any age going just anywhere by comfortably upright positioned Holland bike. Especially in a university place like Utrecht this is what you are expecting.
What I was totally unprepared for, though, was the sheer mass of bikes parked in front…

Borrowed from http://www.refdag.nl/nieuws/binnenland/fietsersbond_gratis_stalling_behouden_1_592965
…, around, underneath and, yes, aloft the Centraal train station:

This one is a borrowed one as well, namely from http://utrecht.nieuws.nl/43658
I was so unprepared for this sight that I had to borrow the pictures in this post from this site (top picture) and this one (bottom picture), respectively, because I did not bring my camera with me. But next time, I will, to show you that indeed it looks like in the pictures above – on any given day.
What a blessed country and city that is!
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