Riding just one gear

So far, I have ridden my single speed only in cities and on pretty flat terrain. Isn’t that the natural environment for this kind of bike that was born for track speeding and has been re-invented by the bike messenger scene? Well, today’s Olympic road...

A German in Vancouver

Today, I am sending greetings not from Germany, but from Vancouver, B.C. My first time ever in Canada; so, I was pretty curious to see whether and how and in which aspects a city such as Vancouver is generally different from all those US American cities I have visited...

Hamburg – Berlin

Sometimes the trips that you don’t go on are the best ones. At least, that’s what it felt like when I received word from the group of (sorry) freaks I almost joined (as yet another freak) to ride the 305K from Hamburg to Berlin in one day. And they did it...

Tauber Bike Trail – A Test Run

Went to the little town of Wertheim today. Officially it was to visit the annual garden festival held there. And to spend way too much money on way too many plants and fun garden decorations, so basically the usual. At least at first glance. However, the trip was good...