Bike Capital

Bike Capital

Quite some time has passed since the last blog entry has been posted here. And the blogger has, meanwhile, taveled back from from the US capital to its German counterpart. Not a particularly bad place for bikers either. Actually pretty popular with bicylce fans of all...
Trade history turning hip retro chic

Trade history turning hip retro chic

Here is a brand new, very old idea about what to do with your bike in off-biking season: use it for something useful. Like sharpening scissors and knives. Many of what have been out-dated or even dying trades and professions are slowly but surely coming back, this...
Filigree Dreams

Filigree Dreams

Today’s snow has settled down as light little patches of delicate ornamentation on branches and twigs and is changing the world to a sophisticated filigree patterned view. Obviously way too cold outside for the author to get on a bike and ride outside. But what...
Ice Carnival Season

Ice Carnival Season

Slowly but surely, the year is coming to its end – which definitely doesn’t have to mean that biking season is coming to an end, as well. You may have considered to put your bike up and start stationary training. However, how about investing not much more...
Free Riders

Free Riders

When the Wall came down 25 years ago, the effect was not only on Germans in East and West. In celebrating a quarter of a centennium (already!) all of this weekend, let’s think about some other socialist countries behind the former Iron Curtain which got...