There are many things and situations, experiences and encounters that are worthwhile of giving thanks. And more often than not, we don’t even pause. Especially those of us who live the life of the fortunate ones, when do we actually acknowledge that this is the case? During Thanksgiving or „Erntedank“, respectively – Let’s admit it, most of us Europeans don’t even know when to mark our calendars for the latter (US-Americans, for you it is easier – as you can enjoy an extended weekend of food and football, you probably have Thanksgiving on your radar screens, albeit for other reasons than to give thanks).
Let’s pause for a moment, though, and think of the less fortunate. And how we can contribute to making their lives a little less hard – it often doesn’t take that much. And can easily involve our beloved vehicles:
You may have missed the NYC Cranksgiving ride last week – but you may want to mark your calendar for one of the 2015 rides. Find a US location close to you. Or organize one in your home town yourself – you have a full year for getting things planned and putting a cool act of yours together.

Photo by Alyssa Johnson, originally posted on Facebook, subsequently published by