Into the Great Wide Open

Into the Great Wide Open

Leaving the somewhat smallish Trave river and the historically and economically sizeable Hanse town Lübeck behind, the houses get smaller and less massive, standing modestly back behind the increasingly mighty display of landscape. And of the blogger’s beloved...
Where peaceful waters flow

Where peaceful waters flow

Bike packing in the northern-most state of Germany, in Schleswig-Holstein, means not only home-coming and relishing in old-time memories, revisiting childhood places and reliving experiences of decades past; foremost and most importantly, it means: tranquility in...
Terra marique

Terra marique

Yesterday’s stroll through Greifswald’s harbor museum made me really long for the sea which I have always loved. And today was the day when we would reach the coast of the Baltic Sea, cross over to the island of Rügen and keep on riding on this biggest of...