Winter time is indoor cycling time. At least for those of us who can’t stand the rain and the cold … and cleaning your bike for two hours, after a one-hour ride.
Inside it’s cozy and warm and no mud holes that splashes dirt onto your stationary bike.
Inside there are … the guys, though, too.
Excusé moi: The! GUYS! All capitals, of course.
So, it’s warm, but not dry. At least not any longer from, say, 10min into spinning class. And there are no roses to be smelled, either … unfortunately.

Another adavantage of indoor cycling: No shaving of the legs needed – neither will you pedal slower with your natural fur, nor do you need to be afraid of awful spills and painfully scrubbing out the gravel and… hair from the wounds (picture courtesey of RSV Idstein)
But what the heck – here we are, on our bikes, pedaling away, dreaming we are spinning those wheels just as fast on the road again soon. Probably picturing the sprint to the finish line in this one big race signed up for, winning it by a hair’s breadth (another good reason for shaving those legs again, come Spring time!).
And the blog author really wonders what else may go on in those male brains of my fellow spinning class bikers, when they kick butt as soon as Bonnie Tyler comes on, cracking her 40-year old acoustic wip:
Take a look at the musicians good old (sic) Bonnie has on stage with her – what’s with the drummer in the suit, for instance?
I am afraid that that’s the kind of hero that also sits on a stationary bike in my spinning class, pedaling like crazy, not moving an inch – but dreaming of being young, and powerful, and successful and … a HERO