While the author was shaking her head, looking at the battle of materials even the little ones have happily participated in during the local May First rides, grown ups (well …) in Berlin have demonstrated that it is sometimes not the latest carbon fiber racers, but the old clunkers that are the source of the best of pleasures:

Back Pedal Braking Contest in Berlin-Tempelhof (picture taken from http://www.bz-berlin.de/bezirk/tempelhof/ruecktritt-rennsieg-fuer-einen-berliner-bremser-article1674230.html)
In Berlin-Tempelhof, back pedal brake aficionados met and put not only their old loves made of steel on display. They also put them to the racing – and braking – test. And the winner iiiis: The one who leaves the longest skid mark.
Even if you don’t understand the German commentary, indulge yourself in the beauty and stunning technology of the racing machines as captured very impressively during last year’s race:
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