Have you always wanted to ride a bamboo bike?
Well, should be pretty lightweight – or not??? Guess, the easiest way of finding out is by riding one.
Well, maybe not exactly one like this:

Close enough to the Bamboo Bike? (seen in Goma, DR of Kongo by Wolfgang Schork, a friend of a friend - please, be respectful of Wolfgang being the copyright holder)
Oh, right – it’s some sort of different material, not wood anyways (and does not look all that lightweight, to be honest). Well, the Goma kid still looks like he is pretty happy with his means of transportation. And probably has other problems on his mind anyways.
Such as, maybe, for example: where to get food and drinking water? The latter being the good cause that the Global Bike Trotting initiative is making a pledge for. And in a fun-for-the-bamboo-bike-riders way. E.g. by, say, test-riding the bike from Istanbul – that would be a perfect starting point for a tour, because it’s pretty realistic that the bamboo bike could be handed over there to you at some point (soon?).
Or ride it to the Liechtenstein border, if you want to get media coverage which Specator #6 has offered to facilitate.
Hey, I know that some of you guys are located in the US – why not sign up and maybe be honored with being one of the still too few US rider in this project? Check out the map of already-offered rides.
Myself, I have a bit of a ride planning problem, but have signed up as a Global Bike Trotter supporter. I hope I will have a good hosting story to blog at some point in the future. Because that might well mean that the project made it almost around the world (and almost back to its origin in Würzburg, Germany).
© Copyright 2012 bxa, All rights Reserved. Written For: bxa's Greetings from Germany